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- Parasite SEO on Steroids
Parasite SEO on Steroids
Parasite SEO.
Man oh man this seems to be the talk of the town.
And for good reason.
SEOs have found a way to “hack” the algorithm and rank crap content.
The black hat and gray hat world have been talking about this for years.
But you know it’s mainstream (and probably about to die) when ahrefs does a video on it.
I’m not going to waste time explaining this strategy to you (watch the video above) but instead…
I want to talk about a new strategy.
Call it…
Before I dive deep into this, let me bless you.
Here is a spreadsheet with a list of parasite websites.
Hat tip to Alex Savy, as he created this initially, I’m just continually tweaking it when I find out new information (rate, contact info, etc).
Have fun.
That said (and as mentioned above) I’m not sure how much longer this strategy is going to be around.
Actually, I don’t think it will be around come Q2 2024.
Google has blatantly stated that they are coming after this and they know it’s a problem.
If you want to see some crazy examples, Lily Ray on Twitter is blasting Big G everyday because of this.

People are even using Google Groups for Parasite SEO.
And it’s been working wonders…

Not to mention LinkedIn ranking #1 for “how to sell feet pics”

Again, I don’t think this will be around long but marketers are getting smarter.
And a new strategy is coming from this.
Instead of buying a sponsored post on a website and ranking one page, why not buy a whole subfolder?
Why build a whole new website which will take years?
Why not partner with a website that already has authority (read: links)?
The idea here is simple.
Find a business that is legit but SEO and affiliate marketing aren’t their main source of income.
Offer to build out their blog with affiliate content and split the profit 50/50.
If it were me, I would pitch Jeff Nippard (Jeff, hit me up if you read this).
Actually, I have pitched him.
But more on that later.
Jeff is a fitness influencer with 4,000,000+ subscribers on YouTube.
He sells ebooks, clothes, courses, etc and I’m sure does amazing.
That said, his SEO isn’t great.

Note: about 90% of that 15,000 per month traffic is branded searches.
Jeff hardly ever writes on his website.
He’s got a total of 22 articles.

Can’t blame him.
It’s not his business model and therefore not where his focus is.
But what if an SEO came in who knew what they were doing?
I guarantee I could blow him up to 200,000+ monthly visits a month within the first year.
Probably more.
This would result in $30,000+ monthly profit, easy.
See, Jeff is perfect (in every sense of the word).
He hits all of the E-E-A-T signals and has a ton of branded search.
His DR is decent (39) and it would be easy as hell to pitch him with HARO.
Could get that to a DR 50+ within six months.
The content that you could write about is just like any other fitness blog:
Best dumbbells
Best squat rack
Best weightlifting shoes
Best creatine
Not to mention all of the informational content that you could tackle which could sell his ebooks.
“Best powerlifting program” could promote his ebook: https://jeffnippard.com/products/the-powerbuilding-system
“Body recomposition workout plan” could promote his other ebook:
So on and so on.
Now, how do you find people to partner with?
I personally like the idea of working with established YouTubers.
They are likely already doing product reviews and can tell you what’s good vs. what isn’t.
Then you just need to turn that into written content.
You then can embed their videos inside of the articles as well.
This in turn should help their YouTube videos rank better.
Not only in YouTube:

But also in the SERPS:

Another good option is partnering with local businesses.
I won’t go deep into this but here is a great video by Jacky Chou that speaks to it.
How do you go about reaching out to these people?
Cold email outreach like always baby.
However, you need, need, need to make these hyper personalized.
You’re pitching them on a business partnership.
Don’t send them crap “Dear sir” emails.
That’s not serious business and you don’t deserve to get a reply if you do that.
Read my article on email outreach tips if you need some advice on personalization.
Better yet…
Here is the pitch email I sent to Jeff back in February:

Ya boy got denied BUT, I did get a reply.
Some key elements that I included were:
Proof of ebooks that I bought of his, shows I’m a fan
Link to my case studies showing I know wtf I’m doing
Personalized Loom video I made
Link to my calendar so they could schedule a call
Again, they weren’t interested, but I got their attention.
You aren’t going to close them all.
Heck, you will probably close 1 in 20.
But if it’s a real partnership, real business, and with real high-quality content, you shouldn’t be able to handle more than a few.
Unless, of course, you have a massive team under you.
That’s it!
I love this idea and think it could work wonders for both parties.